He got revealed yesterday I believe so today I am going to talk about how OP he is :). http://na.leagueoflegends.com/news/hecarim-shadow-war-revealed Also there is the link if you want to read the skills for yourself. First off I want to say he is a solo top champion. He looks like a melee bruiser or you could build him tanky if you wanted too. So his passive is there is no unit collision and he gains ad for a % of bonus movement speed he has. The no unit collision is really nice but not quite sure how the ad for bonus movement speed is going to work. It might just help to get boots of swiftness on him depending on how much ad you get per movement speed.
His Q looks like an AoE move. Nothing to special just your average move for pushing and last hitting.
His W is sounds kind of like mordes creeping death skill which basically gives you like an aura that deals damage to enemies around you. For how much damage you deal you heal some health which is pretty sick. Great for sustain and AoE damage.
His E is a buff that gives movement speed, his next attack knocks the target back and he gets "additional ad for how far he traveled". So that little part in the quotes is sort of confusing to me. But I believe it means the distance you traveled with the speed buff on gives you some ad. This could be a gap closer or you could use it to knock the enemies away from you and your allies.
His Ulti is a skillshot I believe. It does damage and fears his opponents which is pretty sick. An AoE ult that does damage and cc it seems a bit like Sona's.
Overall a great champion. Probably gonna get nerfed :p. Still a great champion for solo top. His only problem might be an escape. All he has is a speed buff and a knock back. That might not be enough to keep an enemy off him when he is trying to run away.
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