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Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Jayce Skills

So I found the skills here Thank you Mr. Redditor. Here is what the skills look like Now its time to speculate :).
From what I have seen he seems to be a bruiser, another solo top. He starts the game with one point in his R. His R allows him to switch from his hammer to a ranged cannon. His R also gives him a little bit of a buff due to his passive. He gets movement speed and no unit collision. It also gives him a bit of damage. I will start with the hammer skills.
Hammer Q- He leaps to the enemies and deals damage and on top of that slows them. This can be used as a gap closer when trying to run in and get the kill or it can be used to harrass in the laning phase much like jax's leap strike.
Hammer W- its passive gives him some mana per auto attack in hammer stance. This is great for sustain which is great when laning. Its active creates a field around him that does some aoe damage. Again good to do some harrass.
Hammer E- His E does some physical damage plus some magic damage scaling off a % of the enemies max health. It also knocks them back and stuns them a bit. This seems to be his only cc. With some good positioning this can help you pull off some successful ganks.
I can see the combo already. Jayce can hit his W. Q on to his enemy. Get some auto attacks in and the E the enemy and run away like a little school girl. He could even R while running away to get away quicker.
Time for the Cannon form.
Cannon Q- Its basically a skill shot that deals damage. When it hits something it explodes and does some AoE. Can be used to harass or clear waves of minions.
Cannon W- This is a buff that increases your attack speed for 3 attacks. But it seems in the early levels of the skill you deal less than 100% of your total ad with these attacks. This looks like a skill that can used to get some harass in and kill some minions.
Cannon E- Makes a gate, its basically the opposite of Karthus' wall of pain, all allys that go through the gate gain some movement speed. And if you fire your cannon and it goes through the gate it deals extra damage. Can be used as harass or utility. Looks extremely use full though. It can be used to escape ganks or catch up with enemies. 
Overall I think he is going to be a great solo top. His only downside is his lack in CC. He does have a gap closer and some speed buffs but only one knockback/stun. He has only mana sustain he might be countered by other solo tops with sustain like Vlad.
Thats is all guys. Peace

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Jayce Patch Preview

Hi guys I am back. So I'll jump right in and say here is the video for the Jayce Patch Preview It features a few nerfs and a couple of buffs.
Starting with the only nerf in the Jayce Patch, that we know of, it is the nerf to global spells. These include the ultimate of Shen, Karthus, and Soraka. They now have higher cooldown at higher ranks. So does this mean as you level up the skill the cooldown for the skill goes up???? Sounds weird lol. But realistically I believe that the number will go down it will just start at a higher cooldown.
Now for the buffs, the first buff was for Orianna. She has a majority of her cooldowns on her spelled lowered and an increased range on her shield spell. This buff will make her more viable against the "bigger" ap mids. She still takes a lot of skill to be good with her.
 The next buff is a nunu buff. These buffs are aimed at his jungle but I see them also being helpful as support nunu. They are lowering the amount of auto attacks it takes to activate his passive. His passive is after a couple of auto attacks his next spell cost no mana. This is more useful in the jungle but a support nunu could hit some minions for a free blood boil. Next is the a buff on his consume. It has a lower cooldown and deals more damage at lower ranks. Consume is nunu's sustain skill. It allows him to stay in the jungle with more health. If playing support nunu every now and then the nunu could consume a minion to heal up a bit, but don't consume to much or you will take some of the AD carry's CS. This a pretty good buff and will help a bit as support nunu.
That is pretty much it. I will start blogging more now. Peace.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Darius, the Hand of Noxus

Riot has gave us a sneak peek to the new champion Darius. Just by looking at the picture you can tell he is a bruiser or a tank. For sure a new top lane champion. Not much else to say but he sort of looks like a noxian equivalent to Garen. He just reminds me a bit of garen. They are both bruisers but from different "nations".

Not really anything else to say. I can't really see anything else to talk about him so I will talk a bit about Diablo 3. I was pretty pissed off how it was down for so damn long on the launch date. It was very disappointing. But so far it is a pretty good game I got to play for about two hours yesterday and I enjoyed it. If you do not have Diablo 3 you should consider getting it because it is a great game :).

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

a new change.

 I want to show you guys this "New Change" it has been something that we all have been asking for and riot has came through The creep score is now shown in the top right corner near your kills and deaths. No need to hit tab and find your self to look at your creep score. This is a great addition I can not wait to look at my creep score lol.

Also I have seen pictures of the new summoners rift and it looks really good. The dirt looks really good lol. Towers looks good. Everything looks good.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Summoner's Rift New look

Summoner's Rift is getting a new look. It is only for 
players who play on mid or low graphic settings. Here is the post Just a few fixes like updating textures and fixing animations. But the sickest part of this patch has to be the new ANIMATED shop keeper. This guy really needs this. He has been helping all of summoners out by selling us his trinities forces and his bloodthirster and keeping us alive with his potions. Looking at this picture 

He looks like teemo's brother or something lol. his had is almost alike just different color. I think it is teemo in disguise wearing a beard lol. I am glad he is starting to get some of the spotlight he is an important part of the game after all.

My thoughts on this whole update is really it is not going to do much to keep the Diablo III players playing LoL. Hehe that is what I think that this whole update is about.

So who else is staying up and playing Diablo III even though AP testing is still going on xD???

Monday, April 30, 2012

Varus patch is not this week.

Varus is unfortunately not coming out this week. As shown by this post only spectator mode will be released this week. But most likely Varus will be released next week. Varus is probably not going to be released this week because they want to make sure there is not as many bugs as the Hecarim patch :p. We got 10 win boosts out of that so it was not to bad. At least this time we should be able to expect a safer patch, by safer I mean less bugs. So if you have been looking for Varus, like me, you gonna have to wait a week. Or you could get PBE. Public Beta Environment. It allows you to test patches. Here is the link if you want to check it out. It is free and does not require anything Just make sure you submit any bugs if you see anything :).

That is all guys. Have a nice day. :) good luck with ap testing if you are in high school :P I know I am going to need it.

Making a smurf? Help a brother out lol Play LoL

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Athene's Unholy Grail- New League of Legends item

A new item has been seen on the patch notes for PBE (public beta environment). It is called Athene's Unholy Grail (Probably named after the famous gamer Athene :P). It is a item for ap champions. It stats are found here Scroll down a bit and you will see it. As you can see it is built from a chalice of harmony so you will have tons of mana regen. It also has some ap and some mr and a pretty sick passive. It restores 12% of your mana when getting a kill or assist. Now imagine that in a team fight.... lol, as long as you stay alive in that fight and get a couple of assist/kills you will not be out of mana. The problem that I see for this item is it is only good for champions that really need the mana regen. Champions like swain or galio. Other than that it a okay item. To me it looks like a blue buff (with some extra stats) on in item. So if you need the mana regen this would be a great item other than that it is alright.

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