Checkout the league of legends homepage and you will find this Riot has announced her skills and I am going to talk about them :). So her passive is basically a second attack. So what is going to happen is that when you hit someone with a basic attack your faerie (pix) will also attack the same target ( I believe it is the same target but this attack can be "intercepted" or someone can take the hit for you.
Her Q is a slow. From reading the skill desription I believe it will hit two different targets and slow both of those targets. This is a great CC in my opinion and will help catch opponents you are chasing.
Her W can be cast on an enemy or an ally. If cast on an enemy it will turn them into a little squirrel that is the size of a minion (this was the polymorph skill mentioned before). During this state the enemy can not attack is slowed can not use any spells except summoner spells. Also the hit box is not affected. When cast on an ally it gives them a speed boost and Ability Power boost. This is a pretty nice skill. It can be used on an enemy when you want to go for the kill or in a team fight to stop their carry from doing damage. If is also helpful on a ally as the speed boost will help catch up to enemy or get away from them.
Her E can also be cast on an enemy or ally. If cast on an enemy it will deal damage to them and reveal them for awhile. If cast on an ally it shields them and "aids their attacks" which I think means giving them lulu's passive so they have two attacks. Casting E on a champion with stealth will be very useful other than that I wouldn't really use it accept as a harass. But I also think it would be more beneficial to put this on your carry than to harass. Not only does the shield protect it can deal some extra damage.
Now for her Ulti. Basically it buffs one of your allies making them big (the size of a turret) gives them bonus health and the said ally that you buffed now has a aura that slows nearby enemies. Also when cast onto said ally it will knockback all enemies near that ally. So this can be used to save people. I really would not know where to use this in team fights except to save someone but in the laning phase it can really save your carry from ganks.
Overall I think she is going to be a great support definitely going to buy her. She seems like a overall great support with a slow, extra damage, movement speed boost, extra ap, an extra attack, a shield, and somewhat of a knockback.
So in short she will be a great support :P.
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