So at PAX East Riot decided to release Varus and Hecarim. So there are a lot of videos online of these two champs and I stumbled upon one of Varus' skills Thank you person who posted that video :3. Now I want to talk about the skills.
~His passive is if he kills a champion or gets a assist he gets 40% attack speed for 6 seconds. OP 40% is a re-curve bow :o that is a lot ad but that is not all if he kills a minion he gets 20% attack speed for 3 seconds... Now this most likely will not stack or that would be wayyy overkill. It is a good passive if you are playing as him but not a good passive if you are playing against him because he pretty much starts off with 20% attack speed :P.
~His q is a skill shot that you need to charge. Looking at the skill it looks like the huntsman from Team Fortress 2 lol. So basically the first cast charges it up. The longer you charge it the more range and damage it has. It you fail to use it within 4seconds it will fail and you get half the mana back you used. While charging up you move 20% slower. It also pierces thru more than one enemy. So this skill could be great for clearing a minion wave or dealing tons of damage to people. Great for pushing and harassing.
~His W is a passive skill. His basic attacks deal more damage and puts a little charge called blight on them it stacks 3 times. Varus' other skills will detonate this blight and deal tons of damage. No joke. It does like 2% of the champions max health *~* PER STACK. OP
~His E is a skill that does AoE damage and leaves a slow on the ground and reduces heal. I believe this might be the purple pink fire from the sneak peek. This is probably his only cc due to the fact that he is op enough already.
~His Ulti is a skill shot that binds the opponent and deals damage it then goes to the surrounding champions and does the same thing. So it is a ulti that does damage and binds. A bit like Hecarim don't you think :p also it is a bit like ashes in terms of cc.
I honestly doubt he will be put into League of Legends with skills like that seems like a bit too much. This is probably a promotional stunt by riot so people will buy him. I am probably gonna buy him looking at his stats so their promotional stunt worked :P. Well I am out hope you guys have a great Easter and or weekend!
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